Wednesday, August 12, 2009

One of the hardest weeks ...

This has been one of the hardest weeks I've had in a very long time. Had my port put in on Tuesday, tomorrow is first chemo treatment, and today .. today .. I had to give up one of the best friends I've ever had.

I've posted before about my precious kitty, Badajan. Badajan had his 17th birthday in May of this year. He's had months of chronic diarrhea. Nothing the vets have tried has been successful for more than a few days. At one time he weighed 14 pounds. In November of last year he was down to 10 pounds, and this week down to 6. I talked with my son, the lady who takes care of him when I'm away, and the vet. I've wrestled with this decision for weeks, and struggled with it all day. About 4:00 this afternoon I took him and had him put down. This was such a difficult decision. Dr Jane assured me it was the right thing to do. She gave him a sedative, let me have a few minutes with him, then came back & gave him the final injection. I held my precious kitty in my arms, rocking & talking to him while he slipped away. My eyes never left his until the light in those beautiful eyes flickered out.

Badajan .. I love you. You're the most glorious kitty I've ever known. Thank you.


  1. thinking about you today on your first chemo. many hugs for you. how wonderful to have had such a great friend in your life, your badajan. we had our cat veronica for 17 years and we still miss her. xoxo

  2. Thanks Deborah ! Being able to follow your journey has made all the difference for me.

  3. I still hate that you had to do this alone. I wish so much that I could have been there with you. Both for you - and for me. So I could have said goodbye in a more proper way.

    I am so very grateful that you were able to arrange for me to have a part of him with me as well.

    When I think about it too long I just start crying all over again. He was such a wonderful creature and I am so happy that he was there to be with you, with me so far away...

  4. No one could ask for a better friend.
