Sunday, September 26, 2010

Things that make you say ... 'hhmmmm'

"As one of the saints of old has said, "Truth is never truth if it is on the side of oppression." To that I would add, Christianity is not of Christ if it is abusive to those whose lifestyles and views may differ from their own."

—The Rev. Dr. Douglass M. Bailey


  1. I once had a friend who attended a certain church...when she began having problems in her life, the church asked her to that's christianity, eh?

  2. Judy: That's one of the reasons I walked away from the fundamentalist faith I grew up in. I have been able to renew my faith within the Episcopal Church.

  3. Amen and amen, Aho!, and Blessed Be! The Reverand Dr. Bailey...and my Booful Sis...are wise and warm and loving. I like to think the Christ I've learned about would approve.
